Electric steam generators "Made in Germany"

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Electric steam generators

Mobile container solutions

Our mobile steam generator systems offer a flexible and efficient solution for steam requirements in various applications, especially where space and installation effort are limited.

Mobile container solutions

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Container Solution: Our Mobile Electric Steam Generators

To quickly and uncomplicatedly assist you during a "steam shortage," we offer mobile container solutions. The container, in a standard size of 8x8x20 feet, contains a fully equipped steam generation system and only requires electrical and water connections. You can then distribute the generated steam to your respective consumers using flexible steam hoses.

Flexibility and Mobility

The container can be easily transported from one location to another, making it perfect for construction sites, temporary facilities, and changing workspaces. It also allows you to quickly and easily bridge a short-term failure of your regular steam system with such a solution.

Easy Installation and Operation

Our steam generator containers are ready for operation and require minimal preparation at the site. Since they are electrically powered, there is no need for complex fuel installations or exhaust pipes. This saves time and costs during commissioning and ensures ease of handling.


Whether for short-term use to bridge a failure of your regular steam generator or for long-term use due to a lack of available space in the workshop, our mobile electric steam generators provide you with a flexible, efficient, and environmentally friendly solution for a variety of industrial applications. Contact our team and let our knowledgeable colleagues advise you - we are here to support you.

Electric steam generators
Made in Germany

  • Over 60 years of experience
  • Manufactured in Germany
  • International shipping

  • Global support
  • Short order times
  • Individual customisations (manufacturing based on customer requirements)

  • Maintenance and commissioning
  • Sale of new and used devices
  • Comprehensive consulting and project support
  • Extensive range of accessories
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