Electric steam generators "Made in Germany"

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Projects Electric steam generators

Flow heater

Increasing the steam temperature: The use of flow heaters in combination with our electric steam generators.

Flow heater

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To further increase the steam temperature without raising the pressure in the boiler, we use flow heaters.

The process of steam heating

Our electric steam generators, in their standard configuration, generate a maximum pressure of 10 bar. This corresponds to a steam temperature of approximately 184°C. This temperature is sufficient for many industrial applications. However, there are processes that require an even higher steam temperature. This is where the use of flow heaters comes into play.

Operation of the flow heater

A flow heater is a device that transfers thermal energy from one medium to another. In our system, steam that is already heated to 184°C is passed through the flow heater. The flow heater utilizes electric heating elements to further heat the steam.

Why higher steam temperatures?

In many industries such as chemical and pharmaceutical industries, higher steam temperatures are required for specific processes to accelerate chemical reactions or meet sterilization requirements.

Higher steam temperatures can improve the efficiency of heat transfer processes because the temperature difference between the steam and the medium to be heated is greater. This results in faster and more uniform heating.

With higher steam temperatures, our steam generators can be used in a wider range of applications that were previously not possible.

Example applications

In the automotive industry, air filters made of a mixture of fibers and granules are produced. The mixture is placed in a mold and pressed into a filter element under pressure. Subsequently, very hot steam is directed onto the filter element, causing the fibers and granules to bond together and solidify the filter element. After drying and curing, the filter element is ready for use.

Implementation and integration

Our flow heaters are designed to be easily integrated into existing steam generator systems. This allows our customers to upgrade their production lines flexibly and cost-effectively.


The use of flow heaters to increase steam temperature is an effective method to optimize steam for specific industrial requirements. At DINO Maschinenbau, we offer tailored solutions to ensure that you always have the optimal conditions for your production processes. By integrating flow heaters, we can ensure that our steam always maintains the exact temperature required to meet the highest production standards.

For more information about our products and solutions, please contact our team of experts. We are happy to advise you.

Electric steam generators
Made in Germany

  • Over 60 years of experience
  • Manufactured in Germany
  • International shipping

  • Global support
  • Short order times
  • Individual customisations (manufacturing based on customer requirements)

  • Maintenance and commissioning
  • Sale of new and used devices
  • Comprehensive consulting and project support
  • Extensive range of accessories
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