Electric steam generators "Made in Germany"

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The right steam output for your system
electric steam generators

Welcome to DINO - Electric steam generators

We have been a system provider for sophisticated electric steam generators for all industrial applications since 1960. With our proven product groups, we offer systems from a steam output of 4 kg/hour.
Thanks to our intelligent cascade system, we can also meet output requirements of well over 500 kg of steam/hour. If required, we can also adapt our electric steam generators to the special requirements of your production facilities on site, thus ensuring maximum energy efficiency.

Our production is based in Bremen, from where we are always available to our customers for the design, maintenance or conversion of our systems.

We support you in the conversion to CO2-neutral steam generation - contact us!

Electric steam generators
Made in Germany

  • Over 60 years of experience
  • Manufactured in Germany
  • International shipping

  • Global support
  • Short order times
  • Individual customisations (manufacturing based on customer requirements)

  • Maintenance and commissioning
  • Sale of new and used devices
  • Comprehensive consulting and project support
  • Extensive range of accessories
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